The Council addresses topics of common interest across jurisdictions.

Council comprises of a representative from each voting jurisdiction and a representative of AVA and NZVA. Council is ultimately responsible for all decisions related to accreditation and standards setting.
AVBC’s functions are carried out by a number of committees.
The operations committees are the Management Committee & Finance, Audit & Risk Management Committee:
- Management Committee and the Executive Director take responsibility for day-to-day governance.
- Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee (FARMC) was established to develop policies for the appointment of auditors, to determine budget allocations, to define reporting templates and to develop strategies for managing risk.
There are currently four standards committees of AVBC. They are:
- The Veterinary Schools Accreditation Advisory Committee (VSAAC)
- Responsible for accreditation and recognition of veterinary programs (internationally and domestically)
- The Advisory Committee on the Registration of Veterinary Specialists (ACRVS)
- Responsible for assessment of veterinary specialists & their qualifications
- The Australasian Veterinary Examination Committee (AVEC) (formerly “NVE Board of Examiners”)
- Responsible for running the Australasian Veterinary Examination for veterinary graduates from non-accredited programs & providing skills assessments for veterinarians migrating to Australia
- The Sustainable Practice Committee (SPC) – approved in November 2020
- Responsible for improvement of post-registration standards, building public confidence and promoting healthy, sustainable practice for the profession.
- The Veterinary Schools Accreditation Advisory Committee (VSAAC)
At any one time there may be several working groups constituted to investigate matters such as veterinary specialist titles and continuing professional development.