Australasian Veterinary Examination


The Australasian Veterinary Examination (AVE) is designed to assess, for registration purposes, the veterinary knowledge and clinical competencies of overseas qualified veterinarians whose veterinary qualifications are not recognised by State or Territory Registration Boards in Australia or the Veterinary Council of New Zealand.

If your qualifications do not enable you to apply for registration without further examination, the Australasian Veterinary Examination (AVE) is one pathway to veterinary registration in Australia or New Zealand.

For a broad overview of the practice of veterinary science in Australia, overseas’ qualified veterinarians should read the Veterinary Science in Australia Booklet.

For more detailed information about the Australasian Veterinary Examination, please refer to the  Information for AVE Candidates booklet.

AVE Process

There are three steps in the AVE Process. Click on the number to take you to the information on each step.

Successful Completion of the AVE

The AVE Certificate in Veterinary Science entitles successful candidates to apply for full registration in any State or Territory in Australia or in New Zealand. They need to present the Certificate to the Veterinary Board in the State or Territory in which they intend to register or to the Veterinary Council of New Zealand. Once you are registered in Australia or New Zealand you will have the same rights and responsibilities as those of all other registered veterinarians in Australia or New Zealand. 

Once you have passed the AVE you can apply to the AVBC for a skills assessment for migration if required.

If you have any questions about the AVE, please contact:

The Australasian Veterinary Examination Committee


The AVE is based on the competences of the veterinary profession as benchmarked against Australasian graduates. The Australasian Veterinary Examination Committee (AVEC) is a Standing Committee of the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) with responsibility to develop and oversee the AVE. AVEC ensures that the format and content of the AVE is consistent with undergraduate veterinary courses and the standard of examinations in Australasian veterinary schools, with an emphasis on the circumstances common in Australasia. Members of the Committee have broad expertise over the full range of disciplines covered in the AVE examinations.