Australasian Veterinary Examination – Step 2


Eligibility Assessment


Preliminary Examination


Clinical Examination


Eligibility Assessment


Preliminary Examination


Clinical Examination

STEP 2: Preliminary (Multiple Choice Question) Examination

The Preliminary (MCQ) Examination is designed to test general knowledge of veterinary science and the application of that knowledge relevant to veterinary practice in Australia and New Zealand. The examination consists of two papers:

Paper 1: Base knowledge (general knowledge of veterinary science)
Paper 2: Clinical reasoning (ability to apply specific knowledge, clinical judgement)

The Preliminary (MCQ) Examination is administered via secure computer delivery. Candidates who enrol for the Preliminary Examination will be given access to a short practice test.

The Preliminary (MCQ) Examination is normally held on one day during April each year. It is administered at venues in a number of State capital cities and New Zealand. The examination may also be offered at a number of overseas venues.

To find out more details about examination format and preparation, download the Information for AVE Candidates booklet.

English Language Requirements

The Preliminary (MCQ) Examination must be undertaken within the validity period of a candidate’s English language test, that is, three years. This may mean that during a candidate’s engagement with the AVE process, they may need to re-take an English language test. The requirement to re-take an English language test may by waived in certain circumstances. Please refer to the English Language Standards for more information.

If a candidate fails the Preliminary (MCQ) Examination, they must re-sit both papers at their next attempt and within the validity period of their English language test.

Examination Limits

There is a limit on the number of attempts that can be made at the Preliminary (MCQ) Examination. If a candidate fails the Examination three times, the candidate will be required to wait for two years before being permitted to re-sit. The candidate will also be required to seek counselling from a member of the AVE Committee.

If you have any questions about the AVE Preliminary Examination, contact

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