AVBC Accredited Veterinary Schools

AVBC’s Veterinary Schools Accreditation Advisory Committee (VSAAC) has accredited the veterinary programs listed below. For detail of the accreditation process, refer to the AVBC Accreditation Standards.

Programs in Australia and New Zealand

ProgramAccreditation statusLast site visit evaluationNext visit
Charles Sturt University
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology (BVBiol)/ Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)Accredited20172024
James Cook University
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) (BVSc (Hons))Probationary Accreditation20232030
Massey University
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)Accredited20212028
Murdoch University

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS)

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

Accredited 20232030
The University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) (BSc (VetBiosc)) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)Accredited with Minor Deficiencies20232030
The University of Melbourne

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

Accredited with Minor Deficiencies20232030
The University of Queensland
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) (BVSc (Hons))Accredited20182025
The University of Sydney

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

Accredited 20192026

Overseas Programs

ProgramAccreditation statusLast site visit evaluationNext visit
City University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Veterinary MedicineAccredited 20232030
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Degree of Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine (Veterinarexamen)Accredited with Minor Deficiencies20242031



Accredited: An accreditation status granted to a veterinary school that has fully met all of the AVBC Standards. Accreditation is granted for a period of seven years. The AVBC reserves the right to revisit a veterinary school granted accreditation subject to annual reporting requirements. If the annual reports are satisfactory, re-accreditation will be subject to an on-site assessment in the seventh year.


Accredited with Minor Deficiencies: An accreditation status granted to a veterinary school that has fully met most of the AVBC Standards but has partially met one or more of the AVBC Standards. Partially-met standards have minimal or no effect on student learning or safety. Partially-met standards are readily corrected in one year and MUST be corrected in one year to avoid a change in accreditation status. The veterinary school is required to submit a plan to AVBC within 30 days of the status notification. The plan must outline steps to correct the partially-met standards and provide a timetable for completion. Progress reports to AVBC are required every six months, one being the annual report. If the veterinary school provides evidence that the deficiencies have been corrected, the veterinary school may be granted Accredited status for the remainder of the accreditation cycle, as determined by AVBC at one of its regularly scheduled meetings (May). If partially met standards are not corrected within one year, the veterinary school will be placed on Probationary Accreditation for one additional year.


Reasonable Assurance: Upon request, AVBC conducts “Reasonable Assurance” evaluations and site visits for new veterinary schools using the methodology followed for established accredited veterinary schools. AVBC may grant “Reasonable Assurance” to a University indicating that there is a reasonable assurance of future accreditation of a developing veterinary school. See 5.1 of AVBC’s Accreditation Process for Veterinary Programs 2024 for more information.


Provisional Accreditation: if a veterinary school that has been granted “Reasonable Assurance” is making adequate progress in complying with the Standards of Accreditation, “Provisional Accreditation” may be granted. When “Provisional Accreditation” is granted, interim reports are required at six-month intervals to monitor the program’s progress in complying with the Standards. “Provisional Accreditation” status may remain in effect no more than five years if the program complies with the necessary requirements. A full site visit must be conducted during the final year of the initial intake. If the AVBC determines that the School is in compliance with each standard, an accreditation status will be granted. See 5.2 of AVBC’s Accreditation Process for Veterinary Programs 2024 for more information.


Probationary Accreditation: An accreditation status granted to a veterinary school that has one or more Significant Deficiencies in one or more AVBC Standards. Significant Deficiencies have more than minimal impact on student learning or safety. These deficiencies MUST be corrected in two years. This is not an adverse decision. The veterinary school is required to submit a plan to AVBC within 30 days of the status notification. The plan must outline steps to correct deficiencies and provide a timetable for completion. Progress reports to AVBC are required every six months, one being the annual report. See 4.3 of AVBC’s Accreditation Process for Veterinary Programs 2024 for more information.


AVBC Inc makes every attempt to ensure that all material contained herein is accurate and complete but recommends that users check with AVBC for the most up-to-date information.