Accreditation Standards 2024


Accreditation standards review

The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council’s approved Accreditation Standards (‘the standards’) are used to evaluate veterinary education and training programs that lead to general registration as a veterinarian in Australia and New Zealand. 

The AVBC started a review of the standards for entry-level programs in 2021. Read about the review process here.

After two phases of stakeholder consultation, the new Accreditation Standards were approved by AVBC Council in March 2023. 

A companion document, with updated details about the accreditation process, is also available. 

An additional resource is an AVBC document which maps the new AVBC Accreditation Standards against those of other accreditation bodies. This has been developed to facilitate the comparison of similarities and differences in the veterinary accreditation standards, comparing AVBC’s new standards to those of the AVMA, EAEVE and the RCVS. 


The new Accreditation Standards came into effect on 1 January 2024.