First Working Party Meeting for Veterinary Nurses & Technicians: A Step Towards Statutory Regulation

On 21 August 2024, the inaugural meeting of the Regulation of Veterinary Nurses & Technicians Working Party (RVNT WP) took place, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards the professionalisation and statutory regulation of veterinary nurses (VNs) and veterinary technicians (VTs) in Australia.

The meeting brought together working party members appointed with diverse skill sets in regulation/law, advocacy, education, stakeholder engagement, and experience from academic, private, and public veterinary practice. The working party is supported by an AVBC staff member and legal interns from Monash University.

RVNT Working Party members

The primary focus of the meeting was to review and discuss the Strategic Plan developed by a stakeholder group at a workshop on 6 December 2023. Participants engaged in robust discussions, considering the challenges and opportunities associated with the significant progression from voluntary to statutory regulation. Attendees were mindful that the veterinary nursing and technology profession evolves in a way that benefits both public and animal welfare while strengthening the sector.

The Working Party developed several key recommendations and priority areas to guide the profession’s path towards statutory regulation, which will be addressed in the coming months.

As the RVNT WP continues its work, the veterinary sector can look forward to a future where veterinary nurses and technicians are optimally utilised and accountable, resulting in a more effective veterinary healthcare system for the Australian public.

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