Australian and New Zealand professions launch Charter for Climate Action

Melbourne – 10th November 2021

On November 4, The Australian Council of Professions (ACoP) signed the Professional Bodies Climate Action Charter as a Supporter after a unanimous vote from its board which represents member organisations including the AVBC and the AVA. The Charter was launched during the COP26 online event ‘The Future of Professional Bodies in a Net Zero World: A Climate Charter for Action’ attended by AVBC Exec Director, Julie Strous and Education Officer, Sarah Ewing.

A global initiative, the Charter developed from a desire among professionals to accelerate climate action. It is intended to support the growth of sustainable careers and to encourage professional development which supports net zero goals. The Charter aims to define core principles and provide strong leadership, high-quality technical and ethical guidance, and broader advocacy for the work of professional bodies.

The ACoP also plan to establish the ‘Professional Bodies Forum for Climate Action’ which aims to assist other professional organisations in exploring ways they can be more sustainable. The Forum will also provide the opportunity to share ideas, climate-relevant resources and expertise with those who are both Supporters of or Signatories to the Charter.

Australian Council of Professions President Associate Professor Klaus Veil said: “The Australian Council of Professions is delighted to support the global Professional Bodies Climate Action Charter. We look forward to taking a leading role in the region facilitating collaboration and sharing of resources between the Professions and their Professionals to advance and accelerate climate action and foster an inter-disciplinary approach to this critical challenge we are facing.”

Other members of the Charter include Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Engineers Australia, the National Environmental Law Association and the Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia.

The veterinary professions in Australia and New Zealand are invited to directly support or join the Charter. For more information, please contact or