AVBC Releases New Accreditation Standards For Veterinary Education and Training Programs

Melbourne, Australia – The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) has approved its new Accreditation Standards, which will be used to evaluate veterinary education and training programs leading to general registration as a veterinarian in Australia and New Zealand.

The AVBC began reviewing its standards for entry-level programs in 2021, and after two phases of stakeholder consultation, the new Accreditation Standards were approved by AVBC Council in March 2023. The AVBC’s review process included input from stakeholders such as veterinary educators, practitioners, and regulators. A Task Group of experienced academics and practitioners was appointed to drive the process, led by Prof Rosanne Taylor, Co-Chair of VSAAC.

The new Accreditation Standards will come into effect on 1 January 2024 and will apply to all veterinary education and training programs in Australia and New Zealand. The standards aim to ensure that veterinary education programs provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the demands of modern veterinary practice and that graduates meet the standards expected of registered veterinarians.

In addition to the new Accreditation Standards, the AVBC is finalising a companion methodology document that outlines changes to the accreditation processes, which will also come into effect on 1 January 2024. The methodology document will provide guidance on how veterinary education and training programs can meet the new Accreditation Standards. To assist stakeholders in understanding the changes, a document mapping the new AVBC Accreditation Standards against those of other accreditation bodies will also be available for review and download during April 2023.

“AVBC is committed to ensuring that veterinary education and training programs in Australia and New Zealand meet high standards of quality and provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary for successful careers in veterinary practice,” said Dr Julie Strous, Executive Director of AVBC. “We believe that the new Accreditation Standards will help achieve this goal and support the continued development of the veterinary profession in Australasia.” Prof Taylor added that “We are looking forward to working with the veterinary schools in Australia and New Zealand, towards the successful achievement of these standards. Their release represents an important step in ensuring that we remain at the cutting edge of contemporary approaches to the accreditation of veterinary programs.”

For more information on the new Accreditation Standards, visit the AVBC website.


The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) drives the quality of the Australian and New Zealand veterinary profession by providing a forum for discussion, advice and cooperation among veterinary boards in Australia and New Zealand, encouraging the standardisation and quality assurance of veterinary services to the community and assuring and promoting uniform educational standards.

The Veterinary Schools Accreditation Advisory Committee (VSAAC) is a standing committee of the AVBC which plans and advises on the accreditation process for the nine veterinary schools AVBC currently accredits. As part of this role, VSAAC conducts on-site inspections of Australasian veterinary schools and regularly liaises with veterinary accreditation bodies in the UK, USA, South Africa and Europe.