The Believe:NeuroDiversity iNDex is a global initiative fully supported by both AVBC and the Australian Council of Professions (ACoP).
It’s estimated that at least 1 in 10 people are neurodivergent. As professionals, we recognise a responsibility to the diverse range of individuals in our communities and workplaces, to create, enable and sustain inclusive and safe environments. There is, however, very little data on how organisations can best support neurodivergent professionals at work.
The B:ND iNDex stands alone as a comprehensive workplace tool that will become instrumental in the collective efforts on inclusion and diversity across our profession.
In order to acquire the knowledge required, we ask for your support in the next, crucial stage of this ground-breaking project – by completing this survey
The survey takes only 10 -15 minutes to complete, and your contribution, will be invaluable in populating the data that’s needed to generate the first, B:ND: iNDex benchmarks.
Perhaps more importantly, it will also guarantee the delivery of a bespoke report we can use to gauge our own neurodiversity efforts in terms of a wider Australian landscape.
Not only is this the smart thing to do, it’s also the right thing to do. Thank you for your support in this important work.
If you would like to read more about the B:ND iNDex, click here to visit the information page on the Believe:NeuroDiversity website.