Updated 12 May 2020
To ensure the safety of our staff at this time, AVBC has suspended the receipt of all paper-based applications to our offices, but we can now accept the following applications digitally:
- Skills Assessments
- Skills Assessment Updates
- AVE Eligibility Applications
- Specialist Assessment Applications
Skills Assessments
If you are a registered veterinarian in Australia, and would like to apply for a Skills Assessment, find out more here.
If you are preparing an application, read our new Guidelines first.
Please note that priority processing for Skills Assessments is still temporarily suspended.
Please send any queries regarding Skills Assessments or Skills Assessment Updates to comms@avbc.asn.au
AVE Eligibility Applications
If you wish to sit the Australasian Veterinary Examination, find out more here.
If you are preparing an Eligibility Application, read our new Guidelines first.
Please send any queries regarding AVE Eligibility Applications to ave@avbc.asn.au
Specialist Assessment Applications
If you wish to apply to the ACRVS to assess your eligibility for specialist registration, click here.
If you are preparing a Specialist Eligibility Application, read our new Guidelines first.
Please send any queries regarding Specialist Applications to specialists@avbc.asn.au