Enrolments for the 2021 AVE Preliminary (MCQ) Examination are now closed

Applications and payment for the Preliminary (MCQ) examination must have been received by today, 8th February in order to sit this year’s examination.

The date of the 2021 AVE Preliminary (MCQ) exam is Friday the 16th April.

The next sitting of the AVE Clinical exam is planned for June 2021.

To find out more details about the Australasian Veterinary Examination process, click here.

In order to provide you with the latest information and advice, we recommend that you take the time to read through the latest version of the “Information for AVE Candidates” booklet. This booklet contains essential information for all candidates sitting both parts of the AVE.

If you have any queries about the AVE, please contact the AVE Coordinator by email ave@avbc.asn.au