Fostering Psychological Safety in Veterinary Regulation: AVBC’s Journey So Far

The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) recognises that veterinarians in Australia and New Zealand are often fearful about regulatory processes and communicating with veterinary boards. Acknowledging the importance of addressing these apprehensions, AVBC is working on approaches to boost psychological safety within the veterinary regulatory community to improve the wellbeing of veterinary professionals and the quality of services they offer to their patients and the public.

Embracing the Power of Psychological Safety: An International Perspective

Earlier this year, AVBC representatives Iain McLachlan from the Veterinary Council of New Zealand and Susan Keane from AVBC staff had the privilege of attending the CLEAR International Congress in Dublin, Ireland. A panel of international veterinary regulators from Canada, the UK, and Ireland gathered to share their insights on “Compassionate Regulation and Health of Registrants.” Guided by Dr Kim Lambert (College of Veterinarians of Ontario), Lizzie Lockett (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons), and Niamh Muldoon (Veterinary Council of Ireland), the discussions revolved around the role of compassionate regulation in safeguarding the health and wellbeing of veterinary professionals.

veterinary panel on compassionate regulation at CLEAR Congress in Dublin 2023
Veterinary regulators from around the world discuss “Compassionate Regulation and Health of Registrants”

During this discussion, the panellists shared success stories demonstrating the importance of cultivating psychological safety within regulatory environments. They stressed how fostering an environment of trust and support benefitted veterinary professionals, ultimately leading to improved services for their patients and the public.

Inspired by the success stories shared by global counterparts at CLEAR Congress, AVBC is committed to embracing the principles of psychological safety. Stay tuned to learn how AVBC is putting these lessons into practice.