AVBC Accreditation Standards Review – Phase 2 Consultation now underway


The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council is reviewing the approved accreditation standards (‘the standards’) for entry-level veterinary programs. The standards are used to evaluate veterinary education and training programs that lead to general registration as a veterinarian in Australia and New Zealand.

The review is intended to:

  1. ensure that the AVBC accreditation standards and processes remain at, or exceed, current best international practice;
  2. support the ongoing development of, and ensure adequate resourcing for, quality veterinary education; and
  3. ensure that all veterinary graduates are able to achieve Day One Competences to practice safely, and sustainably, demonstrating the professional knowledge, skills and attributes required.

Phase 1 Consultation

Phase 1 Consultation took place in February and March 2022. Perspectives and suggestions were sought on a series of questions relating to the current AVBC standards, the new RCVS Accreditation Standards and veterinary education more broadly. A summary of the findings of the Phase 1 consultation on the AVBC Accreditation Standards, is available for download. This feedback has been taken into account in the preparation of the first draft of the new standards.

Phase 2 Consultation – July/August 2022

The AVBC is now inviting comment on the first draft of the new AVBC Accreditation Standards and the Accreditation Methodology.

It would be preferred if your response could be provided by email in a Word document, using this feedback template. The template identifies key issues on which the Task Group is seeking comment and should be read in conjunction with the draft Standards and Methodology documents.

Please email your response to reach standardsreview@avbc.asn.au by Friday 2 September.